Week in Review

Wellllllll one of the problems with having an awesome class on Sunday nights is that I drink coffee too late, learn too much and get too excited, and then I DON’T WANT TO GO TO SLEEP I just want to stay up and have new ideas.  So, here I am, writing to my friends instead of going to bed.

Here’s what happened in our little world, since my last post:

1. We skyped with Blaise and Olivia this week.  It was so great to see them!  I love seeing them married– they truly belong together.  😀

2. Sung has been hobbling along– I may have forgotten to mention (heh heh) that he sprained his ankle while we were at the trampoline park last weekend.  What seemed ok to us, the doctor said required him to be on crutches for, like, a month.  Ooops.  Too bad we are supposed to run a race in a few weeks….

3. Sung attended a pre-separation briefing.  (Don’t worry– this is separation from the military– NOT me!)  Weekly, we continue to have serious talks about logistics, money, and the future.  But still, there are so many pieces we don’t know.  We are still trusting God and this week it has been so cool to see glimpses of what he is doing for us– without knowing what it is yet!

4. I invented the most awesome after school snack ever for myself using the foods we have in our refrigerator.  It is: barley, cucumber kimchi, cheddar cheese, and a fried egg with a runny yoke.  This would have never occurred to me if Sung hadn’t once prescribed me a kimchi and cheese sandwich when I wasn’t feeling well.  This combination, my friends, is pure gold.

5. We had an awesome night with some great friends, Jim and Brooke, on Saturday.  We went to see a theatrical presentation of C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters.  It was fantastic and the conversation with Jim and Brooke, who we really admire, was even more fantastic!

Ok, I think the coffee is wearing off and it is time for bed.  Once again, I apologize that I have no fun and inspiring pictures to leave you with.  So, here is Oliver.




March Favorites

Here are some things I enjoyed this March.

1. I’m disappointed to find that the really cute Korean movie I was going to recommend, My Sassy Girl, has the worst trailer of all time.  So I’ve included a scene that embodies some of this movie’s cuteness.  Sorry no subtitles.  Also, if it feels frivolous I’d just like to say that the ending, in my opinion, is not.  I think its worth your time!

2. This month, in honor of Paddy’s Day, I went through How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill.  (Read: I listened to the book on tape.)  It tells about Ireland’s often unknown role in preserving classical texts during the fall of the Roman Empire, in their monasteries.  You’re welcome, everyone.

3. For the first time, I’d like to share one of the articles from my Perspectives class that I really enjoyed.  Is God Colorblind or Colorful?by Miriam Adney talks about the importance of culture in the church and role the church could play in helping preserve ethnic cultures that are quickly being lost due to globalization.

4. KOREAN FOOD!!  Eating Korean food all the time in our house has been an awesome change!  The only recipe book we’ve used so far is Quick and Easy Korean Cooking but, to be honest, most of what we’ve made comes from Sung’s head and I can’t really channel that onto this blog.

5. This month Sung and I (embarrassingly enough) saw our FIRST Wes Anderson movie, The Grand Budapest Hotel.  It was so entertaining and also really beautiful to look at.  I guess we’ll have to go back an see some of the others now.  Any recommendations?

Until next month, here are my favorites! ❤

Week in Review

We had some weird weather this week.  Every time I mentioned it, people blamed it on Nebraska. The weirdest was that, on Thursday, I saw high of 40 AND a snowflake on my phone’s weather app.  I assumed that the temp would be right and not the snow.  Instead, it snowed for several hours, looked like a real snow storm, and then all completely melted.  I’ve never seen anything like it.

Here’s a bit from our week:

1. Sung recently went back to eating a strict low-carb diet, which he had been doing when we met and for awhile before that.  It’s been a new challenge for me to plan meals that we will both enjoy.  You can see what I’m cooking lately on my low-carb pinterest board.

2. We had President’s Day off and celebrated by seeing the Lego Movie.  It was so awesome!

3. Our class got to visit a 6th grade classroom this week to see a performance of “Cinderella” that included cellphones and even a group interpretation of “Gangnam Style” at the ball.

4. For the first time since I started working every day, our house was *as clean* at the end of the week as it was at the beginning, a true personal accomplishment 🙂

5. We have made a lot of headway on the “what should we do next year?” question.  Two weeks ago Sung had applied to three colleges.  Now, I have lost count of the number of schools on our “maybe” list, we added some new ideas to the mix, AND have continued to find more reasons why staying here would be a good idea, too.  As always, your prayers are appreciated.  We trust God is going to show us his next step for us, when it’s time to take it.

All my love!

Margot Hwang

Week in Review

It’s a snowy Saturday evening here in Bellevue, Nebraska.  Thanks for taking time to read another little post from the Hwang family.

This week was very exciting in the most wintery sense of the word…

1. Preschool saw their shadow!  So, it turns out, did the Groundhog….


2. In honor of six more weeks of winter, I had my first Nebraska snow day off of school on Wednesday!  I celebrated by eating an entire frozen pizza all by myself and applying to jobs.

3. Sung made cornish game hen for dinner this week.  It was my first time having one.


4. We visited Buffalo Wild Wings on Friday to watch the Olympics opening ceremonies.


5. We went to a Chinese buffet for the first time since coming to Nebraska.  It was great and we have a whole stack of coupons for it… I think we may be in trouble…

6. We actually did most of our Perspectives homework before Sunday afternoon.  (The class is on Sunday night.)  This is truly the thing I am most proud of this week.

Ok, so Sung is chasing Oliver around the house singing “I can’t make you love me” to him so… I better go.

Love you all! ❤